The Scrivener's Quill follows the accreditation standards of most states which require continuing legal education. In certain cases adjustments are made for specific bar associations.
As of 2016, the Quill has received accreditation for programs from nearly every mandatory continuing legal education state. There a few states which do not require CLE. We have still worked with attorneys in those states who might need credits for other bar associations.
Attorneys from international jurisdictions have also participated in our programs. In Wisconsin an attorney attended from England. In New Orleans we had an attorney from the Dominican Republic. We are exploring programs for Hong Kong, British Columbia, London, and Sydney.
We also work in connection with other CLE providers, including law school, state, county and local bar associations. For example, the Quill has worked for five years with the Harris County Bar Association in Houston, Texas.​
Mr. Marker has presented to the Wisconsin's legislative counsel's office and the attorneys in the bankruptcy section of the Montana Bar Association.
It has been our privilege to participate with student bar associations at the University of Notre Dame, University of Wyoming, UNLV's William S. Boyd School of Law, and Willamette University's College of Law to facilitate fundraising CLEs for the student organizations.

"Very thought provoking. I also liked the format. It was nice to have fellow members of the bar in a friendly environment exchanging ideas and friendly ribbing." Wellsboro, PA, 2016.
"I found these seminars to be the most engaging and interesting I have attended." Reno, NV, 2016.
"Engaging and interesting! And I have added titles to my ongoing book list. Thank you for creating such interesting and intellectual courses." Milwaukee, WI, 2016.